Where do rich people live?

I rarely see fancy sports cars like Ferrari or Lambo’s on the street. But there must a wealthy enclave somewhere. I figure it’s got to have nice green areas with parks, cafes, restaurants and shopping?

by Kooljerk007

  1. Why everybody trying to answer about Tokyo in the Okinawa sub lol

  2. The shimabukuro area of kitanakagusuku has a few mansions, as does the ‘hills’ area of Yagibaru, up the hill next to Rycom, before it becomes a love hotel street.

  3. Definitely lots of Lamborghinis and Ferraris out here. I think most rich folk either live up north in Nago or near Naha. There’s a group of NSX’s that like to meet in Nago (that’s what I’ve heard)

  4. Rich Japanese people overall, I think, tend to avoid the ‘I have a small penis’ type of conspicuous consumption, and go with spending with higher margins.

  5. There are some gated houses in the areas people have mentioned as well as some hidden nooks in Onna and Yomitan. Near the ocean, but kind of hidden away. The two giant towers of mansions near Naha main place are also a place for folks with money. And the mansions in Sunabe next to the san e and small fishing port are also on the higher end (near the top of building the prices are outrageous and you’ll see a Ferrari or two in the parking area).

  6. There’s a Porsche on our street; others are Lexus and Mercedes.

    Okinawan wealthy elite aren’t always as conspicuous as their Western counterparts when in public. You need to look for the homes with high walls, manicured gardens and gate/door (shisa) statues.

  7. A lot of the “Exotic Cars” you see on the roads are rentals and not privately owned. Especially if it’s a convertible.

  8. There are some nice neighborhoods in Yokohama Tsuzuki-ku. One neighborhood I can think of has nice houses, gated, room for multiple cars. Very nice sport cars and luxury cars. One house has a full-size tennis court. Another has a 3 car garage. And there is a vintage sports car repair shop.

    Generally well off people are low key and reserved so you won’t notice anything.

    Also if you notice groups of exclusive private high school children returning to a neighborhood, that’s also a clue.

    Yeah, they exist.

  9. Saw a Royce Royce leaving the Ritz Carlton a while back when I was driving nearby to look around lol 

  10. I saw an 812 GTS the other day on the back road by the convention center..plenty of rich people here with nice cars but who wants to risk the Ferrari or 918 Spyder against some idoit in a mini car with no secondary insurance

  11. Property here is not zoned at all and it is more common to see poor and rich families mixed. Also there are many areas in Okinawa that are still owned by the same family, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles etc…

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