Asked to resign before the end of contract

I’m an alt working at a high school and I got frustrated with a Japanese coworker and lost my temper. I didn’t yell or curse, but I certainly overreacted and showed my frustration. I said I was taking some time off and got a doctor’s note for depression. After that, I met with supervisor and he suggested that I should take the maximum sick leave (40 days) and then resign. I went back to psychiatrist to get a sick note, but the doctor said that if I was willing to return to work that I shouldn’t resign. She wrote a note saying that I was maladjusted and lacked motivation, but I was willing to return to work. She suggested that some efforts be made to accommodate or improve communication. Unfortunately, the school said they’d be fine without me. However, I still have a few months on my contract. They said they were going to do a disciplinary reduction of my pay ( to zero) and that they didn’t want me to come back. Should I just sign resignation papers? Should I ask for some payment or benefits before signing ? If I’m willing to return and they aren’t willing to have me come back … is that a breach of contract? I think I deserve some disciplinary treatment for getting upset, but I haven’t had any complaints or discussions about this beforehand. Any suggestions? Free legal advice departments?

by PsychologicalCare101

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