Weekly Weekend Thread – 20 May 2024

It's Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?

Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

by AutoModerator

  1. Oldest kid’s Sports Day on Saturday with some McDonald’s for lunch because why not?

    He thinks he’s really fast now, because for the last three years, he had a friend (who went to a different elementary school) who wasn’t a good runner, and he’d always stop and wait for him “So he doesn’t finish alone.” This year, he just ran, and how about that, he’s fast!

  2. Suddenly got 3000p out of nowhere from じゃらん so me and boyfriend went strawberry picking. Insane hot but I do feel like we get to eat our money’s worth, or at least the tiny amount we paid after all the point I used.

    Coworker pissed me off on Friday so it was a nice stress relief (a 36yr old constantly trying to one up a 社会人3年目 (me), one might wonder what the hell is her problem.)

  3. Saw the Hanshin Tigers in a losing effort. It was great though and since it’s still May, not unbearably hot. Highly recommended.

  4. Went to the local Aeon to check if they have mangoes too, and yes, they did

    Though not fresh, at 400 yen each, that’s relatively affordable for a tropical fruit but if I want to compare the with my home country, I could get fresh ones at less than half that price

  5. Went to the Red Hot Chili Peppers show. I didn’t like them in the 90s and I don’t like them now but my friend was happy I went with him.

  6. It was elementary school’s sports day this weekend and despite oversleeping I showed up for the last couple hours to watch. So many kiddos ran over to say hello and give high fives. Gah they are so cute.

  7. Went to Yokota friendship festival. First time ever in a US military base. The place is way better than I had in my mind. LOT of green and trees…

    Kid had a great time on the C130 and wanted to go again

  8. I realized when going to Costco, there is often a situation where you get a ‘buddy’ group – someone going through the isles at the same time/pace as you, but in opposite directions. You run into each other every isle and kinda feel like you get to know them based on their shopping habits, and occasionally offer opinions (well, I do anyway) – “そのソーセージけっこ美味しいよ”, etc, depending on the vibe.

  9. Started watching 指先の恋々 / Sign of Affection on Netflix and find it so wholesome and sweet. Not usually really into slice of life or romance stories but the characters are cute, and it teaches Japanese Sign Language/snippets of Deaf culture along the way. It’s been really helping to reinforce some stuff I’ve learned in my JSL lessons so far!

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