Booking trains – Is “winging it” a viable strategy?

Hi everyone.

Got my first Japan trip upcoming and set off next week, we’ve managed to sort out everything relatively painlessly (flights, hotels, gigs, attractions etc), right until we got to booking trains and had a bit of a nightmare navigating the multitude of websites out there.

So my question is simply “is it feasible to just rock up and sort out train tickets on the fly?” even if this means nipping to a station a few days prior to my travel dates to arrange. Not overly sure how much financial advantage there is to booking early and I’m fairly certain the JRPass isn’t worth it for this itinerary.

Don’t mind paying a small, sensible amount over the odds for the convenience of just doing my own thing, just want to make sure I’m not wasting a fortune doing it this way. My own research suggests there’s not that much difference, but it never hurts to get a second opinion.

Land in Narita

* Tokyo (Asakusa) – 4 nights.
* Kanazawa – 2 nights
* Takayama – 2 nights
* Kyoto – 3 nights
* Osaka – 4 nights (possibly day/overnight trip out to Hiroshima)
* Tokyo – 3 nights

Back to Narita

Many thanks in advance for reading & any help.

by RudesBaldHeadDouble

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