Who do you think the two talents will be in the Main Event of WK19?

After listening to speaking of strong style podcast a hour ago. One question came to mind on who will be main eventing WK19? It’s a no brainer Naito will have to be in the main event. He’s the only top guy the company has left to draw a large crowd for WK. And then the challenger is the tricky part because Naito should walk into the dome.

The only options currently are:

1. Shota
2. Tsuji
3. Sanada
4. Shingo
5. Zack
6. Tanahashi

Of the 7 talents i could see Shota in that spot to really elevate him and bring his story with Naito to another level after their previous match last year. The other option is Zack who has a long history with Naito and they have great chemistry. However they’ve had several matches and a fresh match up would be better suited for the main event.

by DeathTriangle720

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