Moving to Kanagawa/Tokyo for new teaching job.

Hello, I am possibly moving from Kyushu to Kanagawa/Tokyo area soon. I have been relentlessly job hunting in Kyushu for a long time now with absolutely no luck. My question is, do any schools or prefectural governments provide any sort of moving assistance (loans etc.) for people moving to a new prefecture? It will be expensive for my wife and I to move, but hopefully worth it in the long run due to having more opportunities.

Sorry if this is the wrong sub, I’m not familiar with the Japan subreddits.

  1. Schools, it depends on the school.

    Local governments, like town-level often have schemes to get young families and young couples who are gonna have families to move there. But we’re talking rural areas here, not Tokyo.

  2. Perhaps worth looking into jobs that require English for international companies that only really need on the job training. You’ll always be able to teach English.

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