Planning to move to Japan

HI, so i'm thinking about moving to Japan in the future, but i'm wondering if it's worth giving it a shot.

I'm in doubt because of the uncertainty of the japanese economy and the value of the yen and also i'm in doubt about how i'm going to get the money to move in.

On my current plan, i'm thinking about moving to Japan using a bank loan from my native country and going to some university related to IT, but i still need to think on how much i would have to pay per month for the loan and the living expenses.

My second plan is going there sponsored by the university through a student scholarship, but i'm in doubt about the requirements for that.

So i've been thinking about this dilema of "going there with a bank loan and, initially, having a more comfortable experience, but having to pay the debt later or going with a scholarship, that i know that it's going to be harder but probably cheaper in the long term".

so i came here to get some information about this kind of stuff and also get some more ideas about if it's worth it or not moving to Japan, having in mind the current situation of the country.

(please send constructive and rational answers)(if i commited any mistakes on the writing, english is not my primary language)

by Intrepid_Award130

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