Question about HR policies / job performance

Looking for a bit of work advice. So I was brought into this gaishikei about a year and a half ago from abroad. Good pay, etc, but work performance hasn't been up to par – reviews have been rather underwhelming and leaving aside extenuating circumstances for a second (long sales cycle of the product, delivery team with no experience that causes cost overruns s and so on), factual statements alone the performance review is "needs improvement" for the second year in a row (first year covered only a few months, though, not a full year). HR was never involved, no PIP was ever given, and besides the mumbling of the boss, no further discussion or formal improvement process or punishment was meted out.

Last week, boss comes out and says the rank and salary must be dropped by one. (so likely a 25% pay cut). Admittedly, I'm the highest paid individual of this rank (mgr-up but not exec). I'm considering my options. I mean obviously it's an invitation to leave (even though of course it was stated as "I don't want you to leave but…"), but I'm not in a right spot to look for work right now (one parent has fallen gravely ill a few weeks ago, have to sort that out etc). Obv I will loop in my usual recruiting army but that's not anything immediate, particularly in my specific field where my role is usually already taken in other firms.

Personal reasons aside, shouldn't this be routed via HR with a proper improvement plan etc? Or am I being naive and because this is not a firing but a demotion, it's allowed to just spring it on someone?

Thanks for any opinions.

by Immediate_Clothes144

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