Possible to reduce an employee’s rank?

So I'm in a curious situation. I joined this firm about a year and a half ago. Performance evaluation has been not great – as a foreigner in a Japanese firm, despite being fluent, the communication level has been under-evaluated, and since this is a senior role, the business performance has been less than optimal as well. Leaving aside extenuating factors (nature of the business, long sale cycle and so on, and too small a team to effectively deliver), let's say, factually, the demonstrated performance has been not at the level it should've been (it does not help I'm the highest paid employee of this particular manager-up, but not executive rank). No PIP has been implemented and no warnings or anything have been given, just general malaise and subpar performance reviews. Now boss comes and says from next fiscal, rank will be dropped and correspondingly salary will be dropped as well. I don't know by how much, but I guess by at least 25%.

Curious: what burden of proof is required for an employer to do something like that? I would've thought at least a defined (and failed) improvement plan, HR involvement at some point and so on would've been warranted – ikinari, as the word goes, seems off kilter. Or am I wrong?

by Rough_Science_2077

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