A protest In front of Israeli embassy in Tokyo, protests condemn Israeli war crimes and cruel assaults against innocent children and civilians in Gaza

A protest In front of Israeli embassy in Tokyo, protests condemn Israeli war crimes and cruel assaults against innocent children and civilians in Gaza

A protest In front of Israeli embassy in Tokyo, protests condemn Israeli war crimes and cruel assaults against innocent children and civilians in Gaza
byu/SnooShortcuts2416 inTokyo

by SnooShortcuts2416

  1. Sad story with Palestine but being represented by a terrorist organization like Hamas sure doesn’t help win any sympathy from the rest of the world.

  2. Honestly, why even do this in a country like Japan. What do they even have to do with this?

  3. What happened to the whole “not allowed to protest on a visa” thing that I’ve heard a million times over. Is that one of those things thats never enforced?

  4. These people should be demanding that Hamas release their hostages and surrender if they want peace in Gaza. They are protesting outside the wrong embassy.

  5. Wow, the post about the protest in Shibuya for Isreal had a lot of comments (rightfully) calling out Israel for their war crimes. While in this thread most are trying to justify the genocide of 2 millions people in Gaza along with calls for deportations.

    What changed? Is it the colour of the people protesting in this video? The lack of white and/or Japanese people in this protest?

    Bunch of bloodthirsty hypocrites.

  6. The other day some people try to impress entire Japan side with Israel. But this is closer to our sentiment.
    Israel or Hamas is not good enough to support. They both kill too much. We should only support civilians from both side.

    West is stupid giving money to kill. Both Palestine and Israel is like village like small countries, there’s no way they can earn enough money to keep fighting, spending on missiles like now. Just send food and medical supply is what we should do.

  7. where was the police? People not having Japanese passport are not allowed to protest

  8. Israel should wait a little longer for a large-scale attack on the Gaza Strip. First, it should secure a place where civilians in Gaza can take shelter.
    It should not commit the same acts as Hamas.

  9. Why stay in Japan? Values and habits are completely different in every way, why not go back to your own country?

  10. Suprisingly Japan is the only G7 country that was never attacked by middle eastern terrorist organizations. It’s scary seeing these people come together and protest a cause that could ultimately lead into more violence and far away from their homesteads. I hope these protest don’t ensue into violent bursts of outrage and chaos, I don’t want Shibuya to end up looking like Ferguson…

  11. #StandWithIsrael – Not Hamaisis. Think of the entire families that were butchered… Babies decapitated and burnt. Young pcifitstic women who where raped and abused…

    Let the Palestinian people denounce Hamas, and join the fight for freedom and civilization.

    Pressure Egypt into opening its boarder. Because you know that if there where Jews in Egypt, being bombarded, Israel would not only let them in, but also build them some houses and provide everything they need. Where is some much needed Muslim solidarity?!?!?!?

    Stand with civilization, not with barbarians who pillage and plunder, rape and murder the innocent…

  12. Call me xenophobe or whatever but as a Japanese I don’t want both of monotheistic fanatics in my country

  13. Muslims in Japan account for 0.15% of people here. Jews are of course way fewer. Generally
    Japanese ignore both these religions.

  14. Not a native Japanese person in sight. What a contrast with the pro-Israel demonstration earlier.

  15. Oh no… please tell me more about how sad i should feel when you vote in terrorists as leaders, teach kids how to kill jws instead of medicine and engineering, live off of other countries and Isreal for sustainability, then murder innocent people. Did i miss anything?
    If not you get no sympathy for being deleted off this earth.

  16. Whatever, in this protest they seem to be almost all “foreigners”, of course they support Hamas, they hate Jews. Meanwhile In The protests in support of Israel, there were hundreds of actual Japanese people. The conclusion is simple, Japanese people have working brains, have souls and do not simply hate Jews just because. While the people supporting Hamas, people who would have been used as a human shield in a heartbeat, have no working brains, have no soul, and are sitting comfortably in Japan, exactly as the leaders of Hamas sit comfortably in their mansions in Qatar, while they order their civilians to stay in their homes, knowing the the IDF gave them warning that because they are sitting above terrorists tunnels, meaning that the buildings would get rightfully destroyed ( which is legal in the rules of war).

    All of you are just brainwashed and go with the flow of the wind like leaves. Poor Israel, 1300 civilians were butchered in their homes. But when Israel fights back against the terrorists, you cry out Israel bad.NO, Israel is responding to It’s biggest terror attack in history of the country. Civilians getting killed? BLAME HAMAS, THEY ORDER THEM TO STAY AND GET BOMBED FOR INTERNET POINTS. THEY LITERALLY JUST PUT OUT A STATEMENT THAT IT WAS THE CIVILIANS OF GAZA THAT MURDERED FAMILIES AND BABIES IN THEIR HOMES. THEY KNEW VERY WELL THAT THIS IS HOW ISRAEL WILL RESPOND, THEY CRAVE IT. They want to shift the blame from themselves on to their CIVILIANS.

    At the end of the day, if it was your country getting attacked like this, your sisters raped, your children burned alive, your parents being forced to watch their children getting tortured and shot Infront of their eyes while the terrorist laugh and open snack ( which has been confirmed to have happened via the placement of bodies and snacks wraps found between the bodies of the parents and children) , your babies set on fire, your friends getting dragged to Gaza while bleeding to death, your grandma being paraded as a trophy, with her caretaker, and your friends being hunted, shot and executed while they run for their life while attending a music festival, you would have wanted a fucking nuke dropped on the place they came from in THOUSANDS. Israel won’t nuke them, but Israel will destroy them.

    Lucky you, you can sit there and act all high and mighty from your cozy house. Israel can’t. Prepare for the day when Islamic extremists will try to do the same to you, with your attitude, they will succeed.

  17. I’m hafu and also have Jewish blood. I’ve been to Israel and have friends in the IDF. Personally, I do believe that the establishment of a Jewish state in the wake of the holocaust was vital to ensure the survival of the Jewish people. It’s important to keep in mind that all throughout the Muslim world, there were thriving jewish communities in places like Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan etc. In the wake of the Yom Kippur war into the 1950s, these communities were displaced and forced to move to Israel due to ethnic cleansing they faced— now, practically no Jews live in these countries. People seem to gloss over this part of history. It’s also important to keep in mind that none of the aforementioned Muslim countries willingly take in a sizeable number of Palestinians, which exacerbates tensions.

    When I went to Israel myself, I was simultaneously amazed by the beauty of its land and kindness of its people, while also horrified by the walls that segregate and subjugate the Palestinian population. Walking around Israel, you can’t help but notice just how many troops are present everywhere. It truly feels like a police state. Although there were some Israelis I met who had sympathy for the plight of Palestinians, many also dismissed and diminished their suffering at the hands of the Israeli government. As a Jew, this is hard to reconcile with morally. On one hand, I believe in the importance of a Jewish state. On the other hand, my vision for Israel does not involve the murder of innocent Palestinians who’ve lived in these lands for generations.

    I still believe that a two state solution is the only viable remedy for this generational conflict. However, there are clearly powerful elements on both sides who have abandoned this idea, and now only want complete destruction of the other side.

  18. From an outside perspective, it seems nothing will change until Palestinian supporters start protesting just as hard against Hamas. Simultaneously both sides need to work on their whataboutism mentality. I haven’t seen much of that yet, unfortunately.

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