My wife and I are talking about saving to buy an akiya near Kyoto, a few questions

  1. As abandoned houses, we know that akiya typically need to be fixed up quite a bit. About how much USD should we expect to pay for renovations?

2.What are rules regarding gardening to grow food, building a pool, and owning pets in your home?

  1. I speak some Japanese, but nobody else in the house speaks any. Will they need to learn Japanese to do basic things, such as go to the doctor or dentist? I'm probably going to end up attending a Japanese language school after we arrive and my son will probably have JSL classes in school, but how necessary is it going to be for my wife in particular to learn to speak Japanese fluently? It should be noted that she is an amputee and likely will wind up seeing specialists for her.

  2. Piggybacking off of number 3, how wheelchair accessible is Japan? Would my wife be able to, relatively easily, wheel herself over to a コンビニ and buy food for herself?

  3. How is Japanese health care? Would my wife being an amputee (she does have a prosthetic already) significantly increase our cost of living?

  4. I've heard that Japanese companies are actively hiring Western employees. How true is this? What are they looking for in employees? I don't have a college degree, but I do have time. I'm probably gonna take another year or 2 to be able to buy the akiya. Not enough time to get a college degree, but plenty of time for me to get a certificate and experience in a field.

by darkboomel

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