Camera recommendations

As I'm approaching my ossan years, I've been wanting more and more to get into photography. I see the old retired dudes walking around parks and taking pictures of flowers and whatnot and I get immensely jealous.

I started a new job recently and part of my job require taking pictures frequently. I've been using my phone, but I think I'm ready to take the plunge. Does anyone have any camera recommendations for a relative newbie to the hobby? For my job, I often have to photograph people, so I'm mainly looking for something that will help with that. I'm hopefully looking for a model that can be purchased at most big electronic chains. I know cameras can get expensive very quickly, but I'm hoping to keep it under about 15万.

EDIT: To all the people saying “It’s not the camera, it’s the photographer”, fair point, but I’m not totally new to photography. I’ve been reading articles, watching videos etc on how to take good pictures (especially good pictures of people) for a few years now. I’m not exactly ready to go pro but I’m better than the average Joe.

Thanks in advance!

by Umbo

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