My Number card expiry tied to visa

For japanese nationals, the My Number card expiry is 10 years and a renewal notification (with a procedure enclosed) is sent to the registered home address automatically a few months before.

For others it seems the My Number card expiry date is set the same as the visa expiration date (extrapolating from my personal case).

So once my visa is renewed, will the ward office send a My Number card renewal notification automatically?

  1. Lol. Hell no. You have to go in person to renew it.
    Hopefully you get your new residence card before the expiry date, otherwise you need to reapply for the my number card from scratch.

  2. It is not automatic. You have to bring your new residence card to the ward office and update the expiry date on your MyNumber card in-person. Some ward offices might require an intermediate step to first update the expiry date of your residence card that they have on record.

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