Nursery teacher arrested after slashing 2-year-old boy’s neck with knife

Nursery teacher arrested after slashing 2-year-old boy’s neck with knife

by Eureka-4407

  1. >”I did it but there was no intent to kill.”

    Looks like ~~he’s~~ she’s trying to avoid an attempted murder charge?

    Anyway, hope ~~he~~ she rots in prison for a very long time. When you put your child into nursery school, every day is filled with thoughts of “I hope he’s having a good time” and “I hope he’s getting plenty of attention.” I sent my older boy to nursery school when he was two, and we were fortunate enough to have the most awesome teaching staff there ever.

    This unhinged fuck made the parents’ worst nightmare come true. Recently, a school in my area shut down (naturally to be re-branded) because someone put a recording device in their child’s backpack. They learned the teachers were saying things like 「死ね」 to the children. There are some sick pieces of shit out there.

  2. Okay he wasn’t trying to kill the child so it’s all good 🙂

    Seriously it’s not just a Japan thing of course but as someone with a little boy in nursery right now I’m half tempted to just go and get him and keep him home every day. So many fucking nutcases in the world.

  3. Lots of nursery schools are fucked up. You think “oh this is an isolated thing and would never happen to me and my kids” until it does… Our nursery school had a pedophile that was taking photos of the 4 and 5 year old girls in their underwear, and worse things that I don’t want to get into.
    What made things worse was the fact that he had been reported a few times by colleagues for taking inappropriate photos of the kids or taking them into a shed where they aren’t supposed to go, but the dumb fuck principal of the nursery school was a monk, like in most of these places, and decided it would be best to hush it up and give him a second chance. He took it upon himself to punish him by making him do things like cleaning duty until he was eventually allowed to look after the children again. Needless to say, he went back to doing the same shit. Thankfully the staff decided to go straight to the police after that and they busted him immediately. The monk also “stepped down” as the boss after massive complaints from all the parents.

  4. Absolutely disgusting someone would do this to a child. Why they couldn’t just remove themselves from the situation is beyond me, I’m getting tired of reading news articles of adults taking their frustrations out on little kids.

  5. The fear mongering in this thread is fucking palpable. Relax people, not every nursery in Japan is filled with pyschos that want to kill children.

  6. More information is provided [here](, but the details are still largely unclear. Some of the noteworthy bits:

    – there were many teachers around at the time, it happened right after a break time

    – the teacher is young and new, so it’s not a case of career sickness as I had inferred

    – it still isn’t clear whether the injury was intentional or accidental, the teacher admitted injuring the student to police but everyone should know by now how little admissions of guilt mean in the Japanese legal system

    – it is said that many of her students show scrapes and bruises, but this claim has not been firmly established or linked to the teacher’s behavior

    So now it’s a whole “we don’t know” situation but it could turn out to be mental illness and intentional violence. Probably everyone here will have forgotten the case before any useful information comes to light.

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