• opening tag was typical HOT shenanigans, although I had fun with it for the most part, especially since it was an opener; loved seeing Sanshiro come out on the bicycle, and what I wouldn’t give to see HOT take a trip to DDT and have to take on some of the wacky characters there, where their cheating would be less effective; hoping Narita and Marufuji can have a singles match sometime, building on their interactions here and at the last ALL TOGETHER.

  • Kenoh vs Kosei fucking slapped; Fujita is probably one of the most impressive young talents just on a skill level alone, and Kenoh is one of the best wrestlers in the world; loved Kosei’s fire, jumping Kenoh on the apron, and staying in him the whole match; of course, Kenoh starting laying a beatdown with the kicks and double knee strikes; love the post-match, with Fujita refusing Kenoh’s handshake and slapping him, leading to a priceless pissed off Kenoh face.

  • Joshi tag was on another level, as expected; these ladies do stuff effortlessly that most wrestlers struggle to pull off; AZM in particular is just flawless in her technique and movements.

  • Ishii & Sekimoto vs Cobb & Kitamiya may have been the legit show-stealer for me; Cobb is just ridiculously strong and athletic, pretty much make Ishii and Sekimoto look like kids the way he was manhandling them at times; the heat between Ishii and Kitamiya was off the charts, and it was great to see them slug it out; Sekimoto my dude, so it was great to see him represent BJW at this event.

  • ten man tag was junior insanity; YAMATO’s horrified/shocked expression at seeing Hiromu have the same eyeliner as him is total meme material, made event funnier by them embracing; truthfully, Dragon Bane & Alpha Wolf may have been the standouts of the match, with their super-fluid tag offense wowing the crowd; for fans of DG, seeing Kota Minoura FINALLY pin Yamato is super satisfying.

  • Tekkers finally united, but on opposite sides, as ZSJ teamed with Chris Brookes and Taichi teamed with KAI in a very enjoyable tag match; of course, Taichi and Zack’s interaction was great stuff, as they held nothing back while still being respectful toward one another; KAI, being douchebag supreme, had to bring in the steel chair, causing Taichi to stop him from using to on Zack (got me in the feels, ngl); super surprised and enjoyed to see Taichi get the win, as well as Zack and Brookes come in to save him from a KAI beatdown (those three would make a very fun trio, imo).

  • War Dogs and Lee vs LIJ was fun; loved to see Kidd come out in “Dr. Death Steve Williams” inspired gear (also hilarious to see Kidd keep giving Mutoh the middle finger); Shingo was MVP of the match, just going at 100 mph with his offense; Naito got clipped somewhere in the match and was bleeding; cool ending of tandem offense on Naito with Finlay, Kidd, and Lee getting the W; my guess if Naito vs Lee will happen at some point.

  • main-even delivered as expected; loved how Takeshita was simply OP in the match, effortlessly overpowering Umino and Ueno at times in the match (also love how built up his forearm strike is, with his elbow-pad being removed causing the audience to pop); Shun Skywalker is a damn psychopath, with his manic laughter and mannerisms (for a guy who’s known for betrayal, he was also the one who helped his teammates the most); this may also be the best Uemura has looked, especially his exchanges with Kiyomiya; Kiyomiya was pretty much the star for his team, as well as the guy who got the crowd most vocal and cheering.

by MrPuroresu42

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