2 Week Itineracy Check – Tokyo > Kyoto > Kiyosaki > Tokyo

Hey y'all I'm planning for an upcoming trip that's coming up at the end of November / beginning of December. It's a rough first plan to get an idea of timing between the various cities so I can start booking hotels. Would love any thoughts and advice. My current biggest hang up is fitting in Kinosaki. Thanks!


  • Evening: Check in hotel (Probably Ueno) / Relax /  Explore the area and have dinner


  • Morning: Ueno Park / Tokyo National Museum
  • Midday: Explore a bit of Ameyoko Shopping District / Lunch
  • Evening: Explore Akihabara


  • Morning: Senso-ji Shrine. Explore a bit of Asakusa + Nakamise street. Take a walk by the river
  • Evening: Exploring Shibuya. Visit Nintendo Tokyo. Find a rooftop bar at night


  • Morning: Teamlabs Borderless / Tokyo tower (Just taking a peak since it’s in the area)
  • Evening: Explore Shinjuku. Visit Gyoen National Garden


  • Free day. Pick somewhere random and explore


  • Open Day: Revisit favorites


  • Morning: Shinkansen 
  • Later Morning / Afternoon: Explore Maruyama Park park / Kiyomizu-dera
  • Evening: Explore Higashiyama Ward


  • Evening: Check in hotel (Probably Ueno) / Relax /  Explore the area and have dinner


  • Morning: Ueno Park / Tokyo National Museum
  • Midday: Explore a bit of Ameyoko Shopping District / Lunch
  • Evening: Explore Akihabara


  • Morning: Senso-ji Shrine. Explore a bit of Asakusa + Nakamise street. Take a walk by the river
  • Evening: Exploring Shibuya. Visit Nintendo Tokyo. Find a rooftop bar at night


  • Morning: Teamlabs Borderless / Tokyo tower (Just taking a peak since it’s in the area)
  • Evening: Explore Shinjuku. Visit Gyoen National Garden


  • Free day. Pick somewhere random and explore


  • Open Day: Revisit favorites


  • Morning: Shinkansen 
  • Later Morning / Afternoon: Explore Maruyama Park park / Kiyomizu-dera
  • Evening: Explore Higashiyama Ward


  • Morning: Otagi Nebutsuji Temple
  • Late Morning: Walk toward Arashiyama, Explore along the way
  • Noon to Afternoon: Vist Bamboo forest + garden area + Monkey park


  • Morning: Go to Nara, visit Nara park, Todaji Temple & Surrounding area
  • Afternoon: Explore Naramchi


  • Morning: Fushimi Inari Taisha
  • Evening: Philosopher's Path + Surrounding Area


  • Morning: Leave for Kinosaki
  • Evening: Relax at onsen

Thursday (* The idea here was to split up the trip back to Tokyo. Instead of 5 hours of straight travel, I could visit Himeji castle, then grab the train to Tokyo from Himeji)

  • Morning: Have breakfast 
  • Late Morning: Leave Kinosaki to Himeji
  • Afternoon: Spend a few hours at Himeji Castle
  • Afternoon / Evening: Return to Tokyo via Shinkansen 


  • Free day? Explore a bit of Odaiba


  • Open day: Last minute shopping / revisit favorite areas again


  • Get to the airport in the morning

by josh35767

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