“Vintage” Shops a Scam?

I can't believe the number of "Vintage" shops that have popped up recently, and not just in Shimokita. They are spreading everywhere. But I just don't get them. They are selling clothing for often 4 or 5 times the original price, complete with worn fabric and stains. Are people really paying these prices for damaged goods?

And much of the merchandise they claim to be "American" is clearly Japanese, complete with Engrish.

Me, I still get my used clothing at Tanpopo House, where just today I got a brand new zip-down shirt with the label still on it for ¥630 and a decent ⅔-sleeve button-down for ¥420.

On the other hand, I don't know why anyone would sell their used clothes to Tanpopo House these days when vintage shops can afford to pay a lot more (but do they?).

by TokyoJimu

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