Fidias Panayiotou, the YouTuber from Cyprus who made videos freeloading on the shinkansen and dine-and-dashing in Japan elected to European Parliament

Fidias Panayiotou, the YouTuber from Cyprus who made videos freeloading on the shinkansen and dine-and-dashing in Japan elected to European Parliament

by pmuserkergm

  1. I remember following this story here in Japan. This guy was a real asshole. Unfortunately, it does seem that real assholes are being elected around the world as many countries appear to be moving to the right. That’s not a good sign.

  2. He continues his freeloading career by becoming a  member of EU parliament…

  3. One thing he is right about, is that old geezers are not adapting.

    History just repeats itself. How were the first elections after TVs were widely available? In France it changed everything on the way politicians worked.

    Social media is the next step

  4. Oof! That’s essentially the problem with the whole “influencer” grift. This will be a recurring thing going forward.

  5. All news relating to recent European elections show that continent is crumbling.

  6. Wait, how is this possible? Someone from Cyprus that could explain it please? I’m genuinely interested.

  7. I wanted to say something snarky like “i mean it’s cyprus – the choices were probably him, or a mule”

    However i think we would’ve all been ok with the mule. What a twat.

  8. Woah guys, shouldn’t he be crucified and have his career destroyed? I’m confused, I thought people who made bad choices don’t get to have careers? You guys sound like entitled cancel culture sucking fucks.

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