Online Visa Renewal Documents

Having managed to traverse the gauntlet of registering and signing into the online visa renewal portal I am not confronted with ensuring I submit all the correct documentation.

I have read through the site multiple times so I'm pretty sure that I have my bases covered but I was hoping for a second opinion just in case (I am on the engineer/humanities visa). What I have prepared so far:

Application for extension of period of stay (form)
JPEG Photo meeting requirements
Copy of Passport
Copy of Residence Card (both sides)
Copy of Gensen

2 points of concern I have relating to the requirements listed on the website:
1. For the photo it states your name must be written on the back, I'm assuming for the online submittal this isn't necessary (can't be too careful).
2. For the Gensen, it states '前年分の職員の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表(受付印のあるものの写し)' The copy I downloaded from my workplace portal does not have a stamp on it.

Thanks for the help in advance.

by SgtClunge

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