2.5 Weeks in Fall 2022 Honeymoon

This will be our (married couple in our 30’s) second trip to Japan. Our dates are Nov 10 – Nov 28. We primarily enjoy searching out less-known attractions and did this to some success in Kyoto on our last go-around. Our goal this time is to see the fall colors in Japan (which is why we put the Alps first in our journey, leaving Kyoto and Tokyo for the end) and explore regions we didn’t get to see last time. We have strong interest in food + drink, Japanese culture, and avoiding crowds.

We generally are early risers who are able to be on the go for the entire day. We don’t typically spend much time in our hotel. We like to have a good plan for the day, but we don’t overdo it so that we are not rushed and can explore things that catch our interest along the way.

Looking for advice on if this is a sensible route and if we are spending too much time in Takayama. Wondering if anyone has suggestions or advice for our first half, which is the most travel-heavy and new to us. Would also ask if there are decent spots for another Onsen dip along our route after we leave the alps.

Yes, Shirakawago is missing from the itinerary. We are going to see the Hida no Sato folk village near Takayama as a substitute because we just aren’t too interested in crowded bus travel and the over-touristy vibe we get from Shirakawago. We instead plan to take the Hida Wide View from Takayama to Toyama to take in the views.

Any other cities/regions near our destinations we are obviously missing?

**Nov 3:**

Arrive in Narita at 9PM and head into hotel to sleep.

**Nov 4: Tokyo**

· Recover, explore day

**Nov 5: Tokyo -> Nagano City**

· The plan is to spend the day in Tokyo and head to Nagano either in the evening or afternoon. Our main attraction to Nagano is the Togakushi Shrine, which we will be doing early in the morning the next day.

**Nov 6: Nagano – Matsumoto**

· We plan to get up quite early and have a friend who will be driving us from the city to the Togakushi shrine path. We are very excited! We understand this hike take a few hours.

· Interested in exploring Obuse afterwards if time allows, possibly Jigokudani if we make excellent time.

· Evening train to Matsumoto to enjoy castle at night and dinner.

**Nov 7: Matsumoto – Hirayu Onsen**

· We will be staying in a onsen ryokan this night. Our Matsumoto interests, in order, are going exploring the castle, taking a sake brewery tour, the Matsumoto City Museum of Art, and the wasabi farm. We are not committed to doing all of these activities as we understand that the bus to Hirayu takes 1.5 hours and we would like to reach our ryokan before nightfall.

**Nov 8:** Hirayu Onsen – Takayama

· Breakfast at the ryokan and the the 1 hour bus to Takayama, arriving before noon. Alternatively, we may head to Takayama in the evening after visiting Kamikochi. Coincidentally, this is the last day of the season at Kamikochi before it closes for the winter. We are not sure if it will be “worth it” at the time of year as we understand it will be quite cold and the fall colors faded. However, we are enticed by the idea of being there, and on the last day to boot!

**Nov 9: Takayama**

· We will have most of the previous day, if we do not opt for Kamikochi, along with this day for the following interests: Hida folk village, Sake brewery tour, Morning market, Higashiyama temple walk, perhaps biking to Furukawa if it is not frigid.

**Nov 10: Takayma – Kanazawa**

· We will be taking the Hida Wide View train to Toyama and then hopping on the Shinkansen to Kanazawa. We have not decided when to head to Kanazawa – early if we feel we happy with Takayama, later if not.

**Nov 11: Kanazawa**

· Kanazawa is less fleshed out. We want to take a slower pace and enjoy the area. Of course Kenroku-en, the modern art museum, Nagamachi, Omicho Market, Kanazawa castle. We understand that Kanazawa has an interesting bar scene due to the university presence? We are also interested in Kanazawa sushi given it’s proximity to the sea and that we will be there in the winter crab season.

**Nov 12: Kanazawa**

**Nov 13: Kanazawa – Fukui – Kyoto**

· This day we will either spend in Kanazawa and head straight to Osaka, OR try to visit some sights in Fukui. Specifically, Eiheji Temple, Hakusan Heisenji, and the Dinosaur museum (being by far the least important). Ever since seeing Hakusan Heisenji I have wanted to visit. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to access. The plan would be to leave Kanazawa in the morning, visit Eiheji, then head down to Katsuyama City to see Heisenji and the Dino museum. Then we would head back to Fukui station and head to Osaka. We understand this would be a long day and we would just head straight to hotel in Osaka.

· Do whatever we want. Decompress. Eat. Maybe go to the Suntory distillery.

**Nov 14: Kyoto**

· Do whatever we want. Decompress. Eat. Maybe go to the Suntory distillery.

**Nov 15: Kyoto**

· Hope to wander around Kyoto and find lesser-known (less crowded) spots to enjoy the city. Interested in Uji, Kurama/Kibune, Ohara as well.

**Nov 16: Kyoto**

· Same as above.

**Nov 17: Kyoto – Kawaguchiko**

· Shinkansen to Tokyo.

**Nov 18: Kawaguchiko – Tokyo**

· Ryokan, hope to see Mt. Fuji

**Nov 19: Tokyo**

· See above.

**Nov 20: Tokyo**

· See above.

**Nov 21: Tokyo**

· See aboce.

**Nov 22: Tokyo**

· Fly home.

  1. That window is a little early for Kyoto to be in color. Also, consider northern Japan… Wonderful colors up there (Akita, Aomori).

  2. Ummm… Are you here Nov 3-22 or Nov 10-28? And you are taking train directly to Osaka to go to… Kyoto? And not even sure what “see above” is referring to in Tokyo section.

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