Visiting Japan in February? Any tips or suggestions?

So, my family is becoming a little obsessed with the idea of visiting Japan in order to try and see some Ezo Momonga (this may be partly my fault…). From what I'm seeing, the main time you can find tours for that sort of thing is in the winter months (Jan – March), and unless I want to pull the kids out of school that would mean going in February…

Our rough plan at the moment involves seeing the deer in Nara, temples and other things in Kyoto, the snow monkeys in Nagano, and then heading to Hokkaido for a nature tour. We would only have about a week, so that would probably mean flying in to Kyoto and out of Sapporo… (Day 1: land in Kyoto, Day 2 & 3 see Kyoto/Osaka/Nara, Day 4 travel to Nagano, Day 5 see the monkeys and whatever other things there are to do in that area, Day 6 travel to Hokkaido, Day 7 & 8 nature tour and other things, then fly out).

Are there other standard tourist-y things that are difficult to do during that time? Should we be worried about having to cancel plans due to snow storms? Should we reconsider because it's going to just be brutally cold and miserable the whole time? We're not big "winter sports" people, so besides that one specific thing the goal is to do mainly tourist things.

by SomeoneGMForMe

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