Understanding Japan’s Vacant Home Crisis and the 0 Yen Property Boom

As reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on April 30, 2024, in the "2023 Housing and Land Statistics Survey (Preliminary Results)," the number of vacant homes in Japan reached 9 million in 2023. The historical trend from 1978 to 2023 shows a continuous increase in the number of vacant homes, with 2023 marking the highest record to date.

According to the 2023 survey, the national vacancy rate stands at 13.8%. This means that more than one in ten homes in Japan is vacant. The primary reason for this increase is the rise in inherited vacant homes.

When examining the vacancy rates by prefecture, Wakayama and Tokushima have the highest rates at 21.2%, while Okinawa has the lowest at 9.3%. These figures highlight the regional disparities in vacancy rates.

Despite the increasing number of vacant homes, there is a growing trend of "0 Yen Banks" across the country, which deal with properties available for free. An example of such a site is "Everyone's 0 Yen Properties."

by fujiwara___

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