Have you ever seen a Japanese English teacher really flip out?

Back in the mists of time, I was doing the ALT gig in a nondescript JHS in a nondescript town. It was morning and I was team teaching with the head JTE. He was a good guy, usually very chilled. The other thing to remember about him was that he was also the guy responsible for the judo 部活動 club and was himself a black belt holder, so he was pretty solidly built.

Anyway, the lesson starts. He had apparently assigned some kind of homework or preparatory reading, although my Japanese wasn't great back then and I didn't get the specifics. But I grasped enough to follow what was happening.

He called on one student. Student stands up, says (this is from memory) something like "I did not do the preparatory work". JTE tells the student to sit down and calls on a different student. Student says much the same thing: he didn't do the preparatory work. This continues for several more students, at which point the JTE asks who did do the prep work. Very few hands go up.

To set the stage: the JTE was standing up, and on a desk next to him was a pile of books.

From out of nowhere, this normally perfectly-chill guy sends the entire pile of books flying several feet in a horizontal direction with a single flick of his hand, and then he rips into the students with an impressive demonstration of rolled "r" sounds. As I said, I didn't have very good Japanese at the time, but I didn't need it. The faces of the kids, most of whom were staring fixedly at their desks, was enough to give me the general tenor of his remarks. He then dismissed the class without a final greeting and we all left the room.

Anyone else seen something like this? It was years ago now, but it's still strongly imprinted on my memory because it was so unusual.

by Tasty_Comfortable_77

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