Help! Japanese classical music?

My Kei truck has a radio that picks up exactly one station due to my rural location. It’s an NHK station I think. The time I’m normally driving always seems to be when they are playing what I guess is some kind of Japanese classical music. This “music” consist of random plucking at some kind of stringed instrument – maybe a shamisen? – then someone will start with some godawful atonal caterwauling. From time to time there is honking on some kind of whistle type instrument and sometimes there will be a drum. Not a rhythm, just a drum. All in all it’s a fucking awful noise.

To make a long story short, my schedule has recently changed and I no longer have to endure this cacophony. Instead I get to listen to 60’s pop or Enka.

Here’s the strange thing though. I’ve found myself missing it. I guess I’ve become accustomed and for some bizarre reason I’d like to listen to more. However, I’ve no idea what to search for. I don’t know what this particular genre is called. I don’t know the names of any of the performers or composers (are there even composers? Maybe they’re just free-styling? Doesn’t really sound that organized).

Does anyone know anything about this? Any pointers to awful Japanese classical music 101? Does anyone else actually listen to or like this stuff?

by okuboheavyindustries

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