Cockroach in restaurant

Went to a pop up cafe yesterday after weeks of booking. When my meal came and I reached over to grab a bottle of ketchup. Felt a slight tingle when I was holding a bottle, turned out a cockroach was crawling on my hand. I freaked out and gave that ketchup bottle to the staff and then she freaked out.
They came to causally apologize once and that was it.

I understand it could happen to any other restaurants and I didn’t want to ruin the experience for others, so I didn’t kick up a fuss.

I was a bit surprised that they didn’t even offer disinfectant or offer to exchange what I ordered. The roach didn’t get onto my burger and fries but it was pretty close.

I’m just interested to know what would you have done if you were me?

I also accidentally took a photo of it so I have “evidence”

  1. I would’ve left and gone to a new place. If you don’t do that, they’re not incentivized to improve service or sanitary conditions.

  2. If i were in your shoes and had the tools or knowledge of extinguishing the roaches, i would offer to help them. Maybe try the cafe again another day to observe and inspect.

  3. Many years ago I was eating at a restaurant in Shinjuku and a live mouse fell from the ceiling onto my table and then onto the floor. I was more surprised that this happened in such a perfectionist-clean country more than the mouse itself

  4. Eh, I went to an izakaya where there was a massive roach and the staff caught it with a towel. Dude had my respect. He also apologized.

    Also went to a different izakaya in Tokyo where there was a small roach. I was with some friends who were girls so I had to grow some balls and smoosh it with a towel. We handed the towel to the staff who was visibly disgusted. They barely apologized.

    Went to a restaurant at a station and saw a cockroach nymph before too .

    I moved out to nishitokyo recently and every time I take a walk past 8 I kill about two roaches.

    It’s honestly impossible to get rid of these fuckers. They are literally everywhere.

  5. Good on you for not causing a fuss – but I would of got up and left and not paid a dime or eaten a single bite. Infestation = no go for me

  6. I’d leave. Not eating that. They replace it or not. They tried hard or not. I know we probably consumed parts without knowledge. But I don’t wanna know.

    When I was a kid I tried to wash my hands in the dark and it was on the valve. Jumped like Tom the cat on fire and went downstairs. Washed a billion times. I still remember the smell and my. disgust.

  7. Almost all dilapidated but delicious ramen shops have cockroaches. You might not see it, but it’s there lurking behind the counter.

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