Japan Trip in September

Hey yall, after years and years I finally booked a trip to Japan September 13-28th, it’ll be my first time staying out there and I’ve been having this trip in my bucket list for quite a while! I’m really hoping to catch some live music out there as I’m a big fan of Japanese indie/shoegaze/metal. I keep seeing that it’s extremely hot during September so any tips on how to beat the heat are very welcome. Here is the itinerary so far!

September 14-19 Tokyo – Koenji Neighborhood
– So far I have zero plans other than I heard there’s a lot of good music venues and thrift shops around here, Any recommendations for that area are very welcome. Also, how hard is it for a foreigner to buy concert tickets? I know The Pillows are playing at Toyosu Pit on the 16th and tickets go on sale next month. Don’t have a Japanese number so I will try to email the booking agent and see if I have any luck there.

September 19 – 22 – Kyoto
– Birthday is on the 19th so definitely on the lookout for good wagyu stuff, and if there’s any good local bar recommendations for that day let me know! Other than that just visit the typical touristy stuff during these days.

September 22-25 – Osaka
– Zero plans and no idea what I should look up, if there’s any cool vinyl stores and izakaya recommendations let me know but I plan on just walking around and checking out the neighborhoods.

September 25-28 – Tokyo –
– These days will be spent mostly in shibuya and shinjuku, getting all the shopping done. Big fan of Manga and if there’s any arcades you guys would recommend please let me know!

Also I love Japanese films. Anything in that regard I should check out??

Thanks everyone!

by Turbulent_Savings_60

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