Re-Learning after TBI

Some days – very rarely – my Japanese is fully operational. Other days, I draw complete blanks and can't put a sentence together because hyper-specific things like all particles vanish from my mental catalogue. I've had this problem with other languages, too, but Japanese is my second language and so it's pretty close to the "surface", I guess.

I'm also missing words in English, for the record, but I feel really empty without being able to daily drive Japanese.

Is there anyone out there who's gone through this? Standard learning techniques are awkward and all I do is feel like I'm retreading familiar ground without making any headway. Honestly, the thing that has helped the most has been that program the NHK does learning with the news.

I hope to begin seeing a doctor soon for language, but as for the main memory issues the memory unit is booked up until 2025. I've been looking at emigrating really hard recently, and I'm concerned I might have to throw myself into language school and just flounder miserably because of what's happened to me.

by ShepherdessAnne

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