The Schrodinger’s Cat of Waiting

This is such a dramatic post, but I can’t help but think about how wild this moment is for all of us that have applied and are waiting for results.

I actually sort of love my current entry level office job, although it doesn’t pay as much as it probably should and it can be very stressful. It’s wild knowing that I’m either going to a) have to awkwardly part ways with them if I land the JET job or b) stay here another year and a half waiting for the next application results.

My coworker said something like “next holiday season we’ll have to make sure we do this early” and it hit me I literally have no idea if I’ll even be in the country next December!

Is there anyone else who’s as philosophical as me and overthinks things like this? It’s honestly a lot to wrap your head around!

by futureexpatprobs

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