Bunch of silly questions before a job interview.

I am getting ready for an interview at a big western tech company. My position is not tech or engineering related and at will be at Tokyo HQ of corporate. Essentially a mid-level white collar gig. I just want to be aware of any cultural faux pas that I might be committing beforehand because interviewer will be a Japanese person.

  1. My hair is at shoulder length and I have a van dyke style beard. If I tie the hair in a neat ponytail and trimmed the beard/mustache to a neater length, would it be acceptable? Or should I shave it completely?

  2. Interview will be over video call but I am going to wear a suit. (Top half at least) because I heard suits are pretty much expected and no black ties. This being a western tech company how accurate do you think it is? Interviewer is Japanese so maybe would it cover for my delinquent hair and beard combo? (Just kidding)

  3. I speak kindergarten level Japanese. Would it score any brownie points if I sneak in a quick hajimemashite, yoroshiku onegaishimasu, etc.for example after introducing myself.

  4. Do I have to be completely serious and formal or can I be a bit casual like western interviewers at the same tech companies? I don’t know which tone to go for. Friendly but business? Full formal?

  5. What else you would advise me to or not not do?

by revel_wo_a_cause

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