Would i be able to survive with a partial scholarship offered by JASSO for EJU scores

I'm considering to enroll in a Mechanical Engineering degree, and for the sake of an example, lets say some public university, most seem to have similar numbers but please correct if im wrong.

Lets run the numbers;

Entrance fee; 282,000 JPY
Tuition per year; 535,000 JPY * 4 years

Total would be = 2,422,000 JPY (without any living expenses)

Now according to JASSO https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/ryugaku/scholarship_j/shoreihi/yoyaku_eju/202406.html ; Partial scholarship offered for EJU scores are 48,000 JPY for 12 months (if i enroll in November);

Thats 2,422,000 – (48,000*12) = 1,846,000 JPY remaining to pay for the rest of 3 years. I am well aware its still a lot to cover with a part time job (plus living expenses as well).

How will i navigate this? It is possible to extend the period of scholarship longer according to JASSO but i think its reserved for top scorers in the country (I'll need to look into this me, so please excuse me).

Please mind that, I am considering all of this with the fact that I currently dont have any means of funding my higher education other than my current savings for 2 years (around 6000 USD), Scholarships will be my only (but very slim) chance. So yes, I dont have any inheritance or any means of funding.

Also please don't say work for a while in my home country because i am already doing for 2 years after graduating high school. I really dont want to take more gap years just to earn nothing. As i mentioned around 6000 USD is what i managed to save up with minimal expenses (my country is definitely not the best place to live or study due to current situation)

by 1nd1g0123

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