Japanese government wants to encourage wealthy foreigners to travel deeper into Japan

Japanese government wants to encourage wealthy foreigners to travel deeper into Japan


  1. Would actually involve opening up the country to any foreign travelers first though. Pointless statement and intent when borders are closed.

  2. I would like to visit places outside of big cities in Japan but sometimes it is hard because i don’t speak nor read Japanese, at best i can read is Kanji because i have studied Chinese. Many more effort is needed if the Japanese government wants foreign tourists to visit those places but all these are just talk since Japan border remain closed and nope, i will never follow a guided tour.

  3. Do they have any idea what someone who spends 10k on a trip to Tokyo does with that money? My guess: A high powered fashion shopping trip with an expensive hotel and high end restaurants. Because its going to be hard finding those things in small towns…

    If you want super high spending in the countryside its not a matter of advertising, its a matter of amenities.

  4. My entire lifes savings in the bank at this point was and still is geared towards Japan, but it is absolutely meaningless if they want to have their cake and eat it too.

    Open the borders and let people in and WE WILL SPEND MONEY GLADLY both for expensive and not expensive endeavors. Or… keep sending these messages where Japan is begging and begging for ONLY the rich because they’re desperate for obvious reasons, but also make this not only an issue of intense xenophobia, but also a class issue as well.

    Look at America right now, bros. We’re trending very slowly in the right direction if and only if we can avoid all out political sabotage, and even then my generation can’t even afford housing. And ya’ll want wealthy people only?

    This isn’t reasonable. This is an issue of Japan being so DAMN close to “getting it”, but being too buttfuckingly stubborn to just accept the ONLY singular thing it needs to accept.

  5. Yeah I’m trying to. Scrap your bs border restrictions and I’ll be there in December!

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