Badass Japanese senior protecting his village from bear attacks

Dude lost an eye to the bear and then shoved his hands down its throat while it was on top of him, before passing out. Now he hunts them, and he's worried about their numbers and aggression.

As someone who plans on going camping this summer, I'm a bit perturbed lol.

by HotAndColdSand

  1. It’s not everyday someone survives a bear attack so kudos to him. But him hunting them..

    They were almost extinct because of hunting.
    Their habitat has been destroyed yet
    humans never learn to stop fucking with nature and once again they will be culled.
    This is a massive failure all around.

    – since this is Reddit… before people start attacking that I don’t care if people are attacked, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying humans created this problem and the bears will pay the price, again.

  2. I can’t speak to the bears in Japan, but in the US, short of grizzlys, if a bear attacks, it is almost always avoidable if the humans had exercised even a little bit of thought.

  3. saw fresh bear scat in Hokkaido. got back to the rental car ASAP without scatting myself.

    bears are taking out their frustrations caused by climate change. just normal and expected when you starve a large predator.

  4. On Honshu the black bears are mostly scaredy cats so they will run away from a fight unless of extenuating circumstances (which does happen, we had a few black bear attacks on hunters and trappers this year). But generally unless you are between a momma and her cub or her food they will run away. Generally. Brown bears on Hokkaido are a different matter.

    Its also a more nuanced problem than discussed here. Habitat and food sources are changing due to climate change. Hunters fewer each year so their population is growing. Previously considered ‘human’ areas are rewilding and going back to forest so their territory is expanding.

    The black ones I see in the forest and mountains occasionally and never had a problem as long as you are not sneaking up on them.

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