Company not paying me before my official start time

So I work as a bilingual employee at a Tokyo business and often I am the only staff member able to handle English related tasks and conversations at any given moment, as it is a very customer facing business this is pretty important. For example if my stated hours for a day are 10:00-19:00, but I arrive at the office at 9:45 to put my things away, often I will have to clock in as soon as I arrive to handle English customers who have arrived early. It’s usually somewhere between 2-15 minutes each day. I was looking at my time sheet and saw they were rounding my time up to my official start time, regardless of if I clocked in early. Keep in mind I’m not just sitting on my hands during this time, but I am actively doing work only I can do. Are they legally allowed to do this? If not what laws/court cases can I reference in my reply to management? Is it a legal gray area? When I asked management here was the reply.


by Rootenist

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