Struggling with Language School in Japan as an ADHD Student

Hi everyone,

I recently moved to Kyoto, Japan, to attend a language school with the goal of learning Japanese, as I plan to live here long-term. Initially, I enrolled for a two-year program. However, the teaching methods here are not conducive to my learning or understanding of Japanese as I had anticipated.

Prior to coming here, I had very basic knowledge of hiragana, some katakana, and kanji. The school heavily relies on the textbook, following a rinse-and-repeat system for vocabulary, kanji, and grammar points. We have tests every other day and big exams every two weeks. The classes seem to have high expectations right from the start, expecting students to speak Japanese immediately in class.

As a low-beginner with ADHD, I disclosed my condition to the school and requested testing accommodations. However, I sensed a change in how they treated me afterward. Teachers would stand behind me to make sure I was paying attention or assume my memory was so poor that I needed constant supervision. This was quite annoying and added to the pressure.

The focus is mainly on memorization, with the expectation to remember all vocabulary, grammar points, and kanji by the next day, and then moving on to something new. The pace is too fast, and there isn't enough focus on listening or reading components. The heavy reliance on the textbook deters from true learning, and I am losing motivation.

I still want to continue learning Japanese, but I need a method that allows me to learn at my own pace. One of my goals is to pursue a master's level education next year. I plan to continue learning Japanese in smaller, self-paced doses.

For those of you with ADHD, how did you manage language school? What was your experience, and what did you do to stay mentally active? Any advice would be greatly appreciated because I am feeling really tired and overwhelmed.

Thank you!


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