Advice for Increasing Terrace House Comprehension Specifically

Hello all!

I've been immersing a lot more recently, but through mostly lower-level anime and podcasts. I have been feeling really good and confident with that, so I've been looking for a level-up. I also have a trip to Japan coming up later this year, so I wanted to expose myself to lots of conversational Japanese. I've seen Terrace House recommended on this sub quite a lot, so I started watching it with Japanese subtitles.

Man, I feel like my vocabulary is good most of the time, but it's just SO fast sometimes and has so many casual grammar structures/expressions I'm not familiar with, especially with the hosts. I think for me at this point, is feels far beyond n+1 (the comprehensible input) goal, so I'm not sure if I should possibly "waste" my time with this right now. But I was wondering if anyone has any specific things they did that helped them improve at comprehending this show/fast casual spoken Japanese.

Thanks in advance!

by domonopolies

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