Spending 1 day in Kyoto, any advice?

Hey, everyone! My family and I have limited time and can only spare 1 day for Kyoto. It will only be me, my dad and my grandma (has trouble ambulating, can walk but not for too long so we'll be bringing her wheelchair). I've read some of the older posts in this subreddit and took most of the advices when I made up this itinerary.

  • Fushimi Inari
  • Hokanji Temple
  • Nishiki Market
  • Kyoto Imperial Palace
  • Kinkaku-ji Temple

I would love to visit more but I also need to keep in mind my gran's use of wheelchair. I looked it up and these are some of the places that are wheelchair friendly. Any thoughts? Are these do-able in one day? And where would you guys recommend we have our dinner if our last destination would be Kinkaku-ji Temple?

Thank you! Please be nice, this really is all the time we have 🙁

by coldchewyramen

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