Going out in Tokyo – Dress code?

Hey guys,
I will spend the weekend in Tokyo and would like to go out one night (probably Saturday or Sunday night). I am originally from Berlin so I fancy those dive clubs with less strict dress code requirements and more like an "open" attitude towards different facets of people. You know what I mean.
Is there anything like that in Tokyo? I heard the underground scene is pretty awesome but I wonder if I will be able to find a club that fits the criteria without knowing someone and if they will let me in.

Besides, whats the dress code for "normal" clubs in Tokyo? Jeans and shirt will work just fine?

Thanks for some input 🙂

by [deleted]

  1. I remember one time going to AIR in Daikanyama on a Friday night in a tshirt, shorts and crocs (was going to the beach the next morning with the first train out). I’m not proud of that…

  2. Hey you’ll be fine if you wore a top hat, cargo shorts, flip flops and carried a hedgehog.

  3. I’ve never seen anyone turned away at a club in Tokyo for dress code.

    So long as you’re covered and have something on your feet you’ll get in.

  4. I’ve seen people turned away at some clubs in Roppongi cause they were wearing shorts. Jeans and shirt will be fine.

  5. I always wear sneakers and t-shirts and I’ve never been turned away from a club, even the ones that boast having a dress code. They always welcome foreigners as it makes the club seem cool.

    Avoid sandals though.

  6. ID and just don’t wear shorts, jeans is better. Avoid sandals for a just in case. Japan is pretty crazy for drinking, so I would avoid carrying my passport. Drivers license or any other ID would work to let you in into the club.

  7. Check out the specific club’s website before hand if you can. Some places do theme nights where they might require you to wear some sort of costume, or all one color. I know one club had a toga night last weekend. I think another had a “guys dress in white” night.

    I’m not sure if it was mandatory. Google translate kinda sucks for those details lol

  8. You shouldn’t really have any issues as long as you’re wearing pants and regular shoes. If you have any tattoos on your arms, you may want to wear a long sleeve shirt. Some clubs, but definitely not all, may turn you away if you have visible tattoos.

  9. As someone who’s been to nearly every club in Tokyo (I went out nearly every week for the past 3 years), the most “underground” club that I know of is Trump Room in Shibuya. Personally, it’s not my scene (I prefer mainstream clubs myself) but it’s always filled with interesting people there. Might be what you’re looking for.

    Keep in mind that wherever you go, peak time for clubbing is 2am. If you go before 12am, there’s hardly anyone there since everyone’s still pregaming or waiting on friends. Saturdays will have the most people going, with Sundays much less so since the majority of people have work/school on Monday.

    The major clubs worth going to in Shibuya are Womb (House, Techno), Camelot (All mix), Sound Museum Vision (All mix), Harlem (Hiphop), and Contact (House, Trance).

    In Roppongi, there’s ELE Tokyo, Alife, and Lex which all play mainstream top 40 music.

    Then there’s Ageha which is the biggest club in Japan but it’s all the way in Shin-kiba. It has the best sound system by far and 4 stages with different genres but it’s mostly an EDM/Bass music kinda place.

    If you want to look up club events in Tokyo, check out iflyer.com or clubberia.com. If you see a venue that I didn’t list, it probably means it’s not worth going to.

  10. In my experience a jeans and shirt is totally fine. It is less strict than some places in Europe and the US.

  11. Why especially American? And no im sorry I don’t and quite a few things like getting credit cards/ rent flats etc. are much more complicated as a foreigner. I’m not saying it’s a hardship but it’s not rural Japan in the 80s

  12. Basically there are no dress codes in Tokyo but use common sense (no sandals, wife beater,etc.). If you happen to go to a club with a strict dress code it’s probably not the most poppin club and somewhere I wouldn’t be at…

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