YES that was an earthquake. NO it wasn’t a big one. PLEASE download NERV app for earthquake details. That is all.

Details of the earthquake were on the NERV app within 60 seconds of occurring. If you want to know the details … the app knows more than we do !

by tokyoevenings

  1. Just wondered if was it an earthquake or me going crazy. Ofcourse they aren’t mutually exclusive.

  2. I’ve posted it before, but I want to post it again here. This is a link to see a real time map of all the meters in japan. You can actual watch the seismic wave as it propagates through Japan, if the earthquake was within 1 hour.

  3. Seriously though,  I was sitting outside on my little parking pad with a beer and the beer in my glass was moving around but there was not so much as a creak from any of the buildings 

  4. I don’t know much about earthquakes (very quickly getting used to them though). One time I got a popup on my phone from the NERV app saying something like “Earthquake approaching in 3… 2… 1…” and right on time I felt the quake. However that was the first time I ever saw that pop up and I haven’t seen it since. What factors go into those predictions? Is it just a matter of distance from the epicenter?

  5. You can also look up 地震 on YouTube and you’ll find a number of channels that show live seismic readings. Pretty funny during big ones cause a bunch of people will flood into the live chat and talk about how they felt it lol

  6. 1 on the scale even in central tokyo. My yurekuru app is set to at least a 3 to alarm.

  7. Two, 15 mins apart, both centered in Chiba. Probably from the ongoing supposed slow slip which started around March this year. This slip could go on for years and years. There is still a small possibility that it could develop into a quick slip, which is when you get the big temblors. So, just be alert and prepared.

  8. Seconded. I fuggin’ love NERV. Can’t recommend enough. It’s so useful and great for the early warning.

  9. Factually correct but I can’t help but think it misses the point of those “did you feel that?” posts which, in my humble opinion, are just a way to have a little conversation with fellow gaijins maybe feeling isolated somehow in this great country.

  10. I was here and living with my parents in law in Tokyo during march 11th. THAT was an earthquake

  11. *If an earthquake happens in Japan, and no one makes a thread on Reddit, does it shake the ground?*

  12. What if people wanna do some discussion about the small earthquake they experienced?
    Not everyone has been here for 10+years you know maybe it’s someone’s first time ?
    What are you ? The earthquake police ? Chill man seriously! You can just ignore the posts if you don’t care

  13. Lol I was browsing around at book off and heard stuff inside a display cabinet move, so my first thought was an earthquake, but when I looked a couple of seconds latter everything was fine, so I was like “too much matcha for today”

  14. Who wants an app that spams you every time there’s a very minor earthquake? 

  15. Give the OP a break, he’s probably, like me, unemployed, and trying to promote the App to make some money (though I personally can’t do this).

    That said, I didn’t feel the said quake, as in Tokyo it was apparently a 1 or 2 on the Japanese level….

    A lot of these apps lack features that I’d like to see added, but then, that’s my personal opinion.

  16. Why would you want that app? Feels like it’s just added stress for some people. If it’s bound to happen let it at least pop up on you, don’t need a count down.

  17. ***too many tourists thus the weight of tetonic plates getting heavy and buckling.***… 🙂

  18. Currently visiting in Minato, have been in chiba today, do not have a clue about any quake 🧐🥸

  19. TIL there’s a NERV app that announces incoming catastrophes. Eva fans living for this 😂💀

  20. You want to tell me that in Japan, there is an app for catastrophe warnings that is called like the organization in Neon Genesis Evangelion?

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