need advice

on a trip right now, i need advice

So, to start off, me(17 yr old), my mom, and my friend(17 yr old) landed June 5 in tokyo. I highly encouraged my mom to take a land trip to Tokyo and Kyoto/Osaka, and to visit Mt. Fuji for our duration, however she heavily was against it and was very tunnel vision on a cruise. To be clear, Im extremely grateful for my mom and excited to be on this trip even still! We had 2 days in Tokyo to look around, visit some shrines, take the train, go to tokyo tower, etc. It was like we were totally in the Tokyo culture and just beginning to experience it, and then we boarded the cruise – which makes me feel like im in America with a bunch of old people. The cruise stopped at Shimizu, and we had the whole day to look around and we saw Mt. Fuji completely uncovered which was awesome. We’re at sea now, and going to spend 2 days at port in osaka, one day for kyoto and one day for osaka, then we are going to port to hiroshima, at sea, then busan south korea, then hakodate, then aomori, then at sea, and then we port back in tokyo thursday early in the morning. We have all day thursday, friday, and Saturday in tokyo again, then leave sunday. When in tokyo again, I plan to go to daikoku parking area friday night, and just overall go to some street markets and shopping districts. Ive seen a lot of discussion on cruises around japan and how terrible they are; so far on the cruise has been pretty lack luster, but when we go into port i very much enjoy it. So here are my questions:

  1. Do you think the cruise was a terrible idea?
  2. Do you have any MUST SEES or suggestions of places to go/sight see when Im tokyo my last 3 days?

Thank you all so much for your feedback and advice!

Im definitely falling in love here and plan to come back in the future on a land trip!

by Bipolarbear2142

  1. Make most of the cruise and then figure out couple cool things in Tokyo. What did you already see – specifically – yeah Tokyo Tower, but which shrines and areas? Where are you staying? Then you ought get some ideas on what to do from others

    also not clear, you back this Thursday or next Thursday?

  2. Just enjoy the cruise, come back again with your own plan.

    Daikoku PA is not easy to get to and out of, nor does the current influx of tourists crowding that area doing it any favours. Find other places to see cars.

  3. Make the most of it with your mom. Start saving for a plan to come back without your mom.

  4. A cruise would not be my personal choice, but for some people it might be just fine. At then end of the day you do not have to book hotel or even change accommodation, don’t have to plan long distance train, so I can see the appeal for some people.

    Anyway, you are there, it’s not as if you had much choice anyway.

  5. You are so lucky to have a Mom who is taking you on this trip. It’s a real priviledge to even go to Japan, and the cruise sounds great, it may be hitting highlights you woudn’t see otherwise and really why is it so bad to be on a ship with other people who you deem to be beneath you? You have your friend with you and your Mom. Count your blessings and when your Mom is no longer around you will look back on this with joy.

  6. Just a quick note, you’ll need a car to get to daikoku and if you go by taxi you won’t be able get one home.

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