What Challenges Might My Fiancé and I Face as a Latino Couple in Japan?

Hello everyone,

My fiancé (23M, 178cm/5'10",skinny) and I (24F, 154cm/5'05", with a strong build thanks to the gym) are a Latino couple considering a move to Japan, and we'd love to get some insights on the potential challenges we might face.

Here's a bit about our situation:

  • I plan to pursue a CEMS Master's program in Japan as part of my university's partnership in Latin America. This program, heavily focused on work experience, will help us decide if we truly like the society. It's a paid master's, but it might not provide enough income to settle down there completely. Luckily, I come from a supportive family that can assist in case of emergencies.

  • My fiancé is a remote programmer and plans to get his master's degree in our home country. He will join me in Japan after we both complete our respective programs, by which time I should have saved some money.

  • We both have a strong interest in Japanese culture and language. We are studying Japanese with the goal of reaching at least N2 proficiency a year before we move.

  • I have a C1 level in English, also native spanish. Plus if I stay in Japan, my potential salary is relatively high.

  • We want to have 2 kids in japanese territory after we get our respective documentation and 5+ years living there, so it is a little bit easier to get theirs as well. We don't need them to have the japanese nationality immediately after being born, if they can get the nationality via naturalization when they are older, or if we are lucky and get the nationality before they are born. We also plan to put them in an international private school, just for safety (we have heard HORROR stories about japanese public schools when it comes to foreigners)

  • Additionally, I'm an artist and studying commercial engineering to complement my art with business knowledge. I've always dreamed of living in Japan because of my passion for its culture and art.

Given this background, what challenges might we encounter as a Latino couple living in Japan? We are particularly interested in any insights on cultural integration, potential language barriers, workplace dynamics, social interactions, and any specific experiences other international couples might have faced.

Thank you in advance for your advice and shared experiences! Also sorry if my grammar is incorrect somewhere, I just woke up lol

by matteg0nz

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