Language school or get a bachelor degree?

Hi all, my situation is a bit unusual so I wasn’t sure how to summarize it in the title.

But basically, I have about 6 years of experience in various fields in the technology industry (although I’m looking for a mid-level dev job), but I don’t have a bachelor degree, just a 2 year one which doesn’t work in Japan.

Said that, I’ve been looking to get into a language school in Japan to study for about 6 months to a year so I can get at least intermediate level (I’m just N5). My main goal is to simply get better at Japanese while at the same time having a different life experience, and then if I get an opportunity to stay there after or in the future I would take it.

But I’ve seen people say that doing a language school in Japan doesn’t really matter as it’s basically impossible to stay in Japan afterwards, so I’m wondering if I should just get a bachelor? Although it’s not my main plan to live in Japan asap, would be nice to at least have a chance.

For context I’m 25, so I’m afraid I’m a bit too old to start from the beginning with a bachelor. Also I’m from Brazil, so I wouldn’t look forward to staying more years here to study to be honest…

I should have enough for 6 months of study (not sure if I should save for a year), I have some friends living there, and I’ve visited Japan for about a month before.

My apologies for the long text, but I’m unsure on what would be the best next step…

Edit: Thank you everyone for the advice, seems like a bachelor is basically mandatory. Which made me pretty sad ngl, as I was ready to start my study in Japan next year… But seem like I’ll have to delay this for a while and hope I won’t feel too old when I get my degree to continue with this goal.

by caick1000

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