Placement & Dispatch Companies ~ Making a list

I know people can do some Google hunting and such, but I thought it might be nice to make an up to date list of dispatch / placement companies that place ALTs and solo teachers in Japanese public & private junior high schools and senior high schools.

I'm thinking of ones people are currently working with, as I know some have disappeared and while they have a website, it's old and who knows if the company is still active.

Trying to avoid the "Check Teach Away / Dave's Cafe" as a suggestion. Also, trying to avoid the ones that are ALWAYS seeming to string applicants on and losing contacts regularly. (Side-eying you, HEART and INTERAC!)

I'll start with the ones I've either personally had recent contact with or know an actual human who has had recent contact with them.

Brain Academy

Edu Career

Cosmo Co. Ltd.

by cynicalmaru

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