Japan Solo Travel Logistics Question

Hi I am (24)F and I am planning a solo trip to Japan in late November and early December. I have never traveled to Japan before, but it’s been a dream of mine to go there. I get travel anxiety and planning logistics is very daunting for me. I need recommendations on logistics and any help from people who have been would be appreciated! Right now I am taking a 16 hour flight that lands in Tokyo at 2:30pm on a Saturday and then flys out the following Saturday. Here is my full transit itinerary. Let me know if this is too much or if there is a better way to do this.

Nov. 30: 2:30pm Land in Tokyo and take bullet train to Kyoto. (It is cheaper for me to fly into Tokyo than Kyoto)
Dec. 1-2 Spend time in Kyoto
Dec. 3 Day trip to Himejj
Dec. 4 Travel to Kawaguchiko
Dec. 5 Spend day in Kawaguchiko and leave for Tokyo that night
Dec. 6-7 Tokyo
Dec. 8 Tokyo and fly home that night.

by wontoncrutonbonbon

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