Teamlab Planets is incredibly overrated!

Currently in Japan and having an absolute blast but if there’s one thing I’ve realized the most, it is to avoid overhyped places from social media. Teamlab planets has to be the single most overrated experience in all of Japan. Okay I’m exaggerating a little, but I just can’t get over how much hype this place gets on tick Tock etc. If you’ve seen it on Tick Tock you’ve basically seen it all. There’s 4 or 5 different rooms we were in and out in a half hour. It’s gross also there’s mold on both sides of the walls in the water exhibit. My husband said he had something squishy graze his feet twice. The last flower exhibit made me dizzy and motion sick. There’s just too many people taking personal photo shoots to be able to enjoy. I would also say the whole thing is geared toward children. Avoid unless you literally have nothing else to do.

by RN_13579

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