(N4) Coming back after 6 months of non-study. Should I just reset my Anki deck, or work to handle the 1000+ reviews that have built up.

Hello everyone! I am currently about N4, and have fallen out of practice in the last 6 months or so. I've done nearly zero studying, beyond sometimes catching a random YouTube video in Japanese that I wanted to watch.

Well, I looked at my Anki deck a few weeks ago, and I'm over 1000 cards due for review. I figured I'd begin chipping away at it, but I'm finding that the time away has made it extremely tedious, as I was doing 10+ cards a day before.

The most recent reviews came from that period (so I only repped them a few times at most), with the remainder being so old that they're trivial to recall. The other issue is that it's an i+1 deck, so the gaps in knowledge I've allowed to form have made it difficult to understand some example sentences, even if I know the specific word for that card.

So, I'm basically wondering how others have handled this in the past. I figure that starting the deck fresh would allow me to fill those gaps, review what I already know, and manually graduate cards I already know along the way. For those who've taken a long break, how'd you handle coming back to Anki?

by nihongonobenkyou

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