Issue with Apple Wallet Suica card. Please help

I am having an issue where the subway gates are unable to ready my card. I know others have had the same issue because they forgot to close out a trip or used the card on a train line not covered by Suica. That is not my case. On my card history it shows that my last trip (Shinanomachi to Kitchijoji) was closed out and paid for. After dinner, I then scanned back in at Kitchijoji without issue for my return trip back to our hotel, and when I arrived in Shibuya and went to scan and close out it said my card was unable
to be read. I went to a physical window for assistance and they could not help me and suggested I pay the fare with cash. The card history now shows dozens of attempt to “read the card” but was unable to make payment (I still have over 9000 yen on it). The issue is, now my SUICA card is still in progress from my check in at Kitchijoji.

by GroundbreakingCup985

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