Paperwork for working outside of “Instructor” visa

I've been offered a remote/freelance position in my home country doing some online writing work. I currently work as an ALT here in Japan. This work wouldn't interfere with my job here, I would be getting paid in my home country's currency, and it would get deposited in an acct. in my home country. The money will primarily be used to pay student loans back home (this weak yen sucks).

I'd prefer to keep things above board while not performing visa and/or tax fraud and risking deportation by getting my employer's approval (I don't think this will be an issue) and turning in the paperwork to immigration (and subsequent tax info).

I know I need the application and the application for those with "Instructor" visa status, as well as my residence card and passport. But, for those of you who have gone through the process before, were there any other documents you needed or they asked for? I want to have all the paperwork ready so that when I do ask my boss I can show them that I've done my research and they can feel assured that I know what I'm doing.

Also, how long did it take the process to be completed between you handing in the paperwork and them giving you the "ok"?

by Used_Championship_96

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