The actual 10 steps to fix New Japan

  1. Fix the goddamn Young Lion system – I do agree that young guys should get more opportunities even early on in their training. However, if you can't go from a trainee to the main roster in 4 years TOPS, then either you suck or the system sucks… or both. Excursions are also overrated, which is why…

  2. Make STRONG a developmental show officially – a show where your Young Lions get better and have storylines with each other + people from other companies that New Japan is partners with. This way, a rookie won't learn 15 different styles and get overwhelmed, but he will get EXPERIENCE from working with people OF different styles. Massive difference. Keep the 3 STRONG Titles, but don't have them defended on the main Nooj cards.

  3. Overhaul the factions – no Tana, nobody wants fucking Hontai to be a thing lmao. We know it's a work. Kill CHAOS, GOD and Hontai. Establish a babyface group that Shota Umino will lead, because why in the fuck should every top babyface be a loner. This isn't the Attitude Era, miss me with that. Possibly unite UE and TMDK, and on that note, officially split up HOT and Bullet Club. LIJ naturally stay, and J5G are largely boring but they can stay too.

  4. Realize that partnership DOES NOT mean simping – giving away all of your top guys to AEW and letting an AEW guy be a World Champion is not partnership, it's stupidity and one-sided. I don't like Forbidden Door shows, because they are never what they're supposed to be, which is a bunch of dream matches. Why – because, oh I don't know, PEOPLE DON'T WANNA LOSE TO GUYS THAT AIN'T IN THEIR COMPANY!?? Venture out and partner with companies, but do not make it so prevalent and such a common occurrence. It loses its specialty and it neutralizes New Japan's worth if all you're doing is giving and never taking. Understand that the current AEW fans that watched New Japan back in 2014-19 were never true fans, they watched because they had no other options. Stop with the "more eyes on Nooj" agenda, it's bullshit and we know it.

  5. Retire certain titles and give importance to other divisions – 10 championships (not counting STRONG, which has already been discussed) is absolutely ludicrous. Make the Global Title the Intercontinental Title of the early 90's – if you hold that, there's a 95 percent chance you'll be a World Champ one day. Also, I'd make it an openweight title, just to add drama. Get rid of the Trios belts, the TV belt, and KOPW too. Tag division is dead in terms of prestige – how about you fix that? People want Juniors to main event now and then – how about you make that a thing?

  6. Overhaul the main event matches – I hate that New Japan thinks that almost every main event match MUST be 35 minutes+. Like bro, SANADA and EVIL wrestling for that long is not my idea of fun whatsoever. A match can be a classic and still be under 30 minutes (HBK/Angle), so don't try to make everything a drawn out masterclass of sToRyTeLlInG. Moreover, interference has been discussed ad nauseum, it's pointless to waste time on it.

  7. Capitalize on the power of social media – issues with World, the official site being down, not enough promotion on Instagram, these are all issues that have been ongoing for a while. I want to watch old New Japan stuff, but I can't if World is not being worldly. I want to check up on future events and exclusive interviews with wrestlers, but I can't if you remodeled your site and made it worse, after it didn't work for a good while. When WWE has a Raw or SmackDown, they put out about 30 Stories and 20 posts on IG to let you know about it. Does New Japan do that – exactly.

  8. Improve the live fan experience – they actually hit this one on the money

  9. More sponsorships – ditto

  10. Bring back the subtle but very prevalent "larger than life" feel that the company used to have – not too long ago, Wrestle Kingdom in particular felt and looked like a spectacle. Crazy pyro, thousands of lights flickering, people carrying swords and guns to the ring, it was awesome. Nowadays, most if not all major shows do not have that feel anymore. I want to see HOT come out with druids accompanying them. I want to see Tsuji ride a dinosaur. I want to see SANADA shower on stag… anyway, you get the point. Spectacle does not mean being like WWE, it means treating the sport like the golden child it is, because other sports do that too, in a big, big way.

by DawnOfLegion1

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