Roll for Sushi – Ep 10 – Aburi Chutoro (Med. Fatty Tuna)

Roll for Sushi – Ep 10 – Aburi Chutoro (Med. Fatty Tuna)

Roll for Sushi – Ep 10 – Aburi Chutoro (Med. Fatty Tuna) from sushi

  1. I love Roll for Sushi and I look forward to every new video you come out with!

    As you’ve said in a few episodes, sometimes simplicity is best. To that point, my one suggestion is that you maybe have a “no additional ingredient” option for the final two die rolls. Might have helped in this case 😀

  2. I was wondering how would katauobushi go well on any sushi so I did a quick Google where I saw most of them use a thin layer of the flakes on the uramaki, kinda like furikake

    So I think the katsuobushi belongs more to the toppings category along with furikake in the Magic Tavern instead of the Mercers? I don’t think there’ll be any sushi that goes well with a pile of katsuobushi on top

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