Recently Visited Japan (Osaka and Kyoto)

Truly blown away by Japan. Was actually a 7 day trip to Korea with the fam, but decided to squeeze in Japan because it's close. Bitter sweet that I did though, because now that I got a taste of what Japan has to offer, I'm already itching to go back. The culture, the details in every bit of design (most things seem very intentional) Air bnb I stayed at was a nice 3 bedroom apartment which did not have a single nook that didn't have a use. Also, when I travel bathrooms are a huge part of how a judge a country lol, and for sure Japan had some of the best public restrooms. Literally one at every subway stop, 10x better then your average hotel bathroom in the states. Food obviously was so good, and one thing I've come to learn is never go off youtube recs or online chatter. I'm sure those places are good, but many restaurants are tiny places with lines that could be an hour wait for some of the popular spots. Just go to one of the local spots and the food will be just as good. Oh yeah, you need cash, so make sure you get it cuz al ot of places places don't take card. Had some of the best udon at one of these local spots, they didn't really speak english but most restaurants have an english menu option. I really wish I studied abroad there but I'm lowkey now wanting to find work there. Would be cool to work there for a year or 2.

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